DevOps Service Process
Each phase in the DevOps lifecycle focuses on closing the loop between development and operations and driving production through continuous development, integration, testing, monitoring and feedback, delivery, and deployment.
Working with stakeholders to gain clarity on needs, defining clear business outcomes to set up a successful engagement.
Determining the best solution and aligning our team to fill your skill and resource gaps.
Assess and develop a plan and strategy to help you execute your DevOps vision.
Deliver and implement the proposed solution, executing the plan and providing support as needed.
Business benefits of leveraging DevOps
The benefits of IT modernization that are reaping include improved quality of service, better customer experience/satisfaction, cost savings, uptime, and creation of new revenue-generating products and services. If an organization wants to deliver value, no matter how they measure it, DevOps is the way to go.
Google Cloud Platform
A suite of cloud computing services offered by Google.
1. Faster delivery time
The main principles of DevOps – automation, continuous delivery, and quick feedback cycle – aim to make a software development process faster and more efficient. By promoting a collaborative culture, it offers the scope for quick and continuous feedback so that any glitches are fixed in time and the releases are done faster.
2. High collaboration between teams
DevOps paves the way to improve business agility by providing the much–need atmosphere of mutual collaboration, communication, and integration across globally–distributed teams in an IT organization.
3. Greater customer experiences
By automating the delivery pipeline, it becomes possible to ensure the reliability and stability of an application after every new release. When the applications perform flawlessly in production, organizations reap the benefit of greater customer satisfaction.
Amazon Web Services
A comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon